Law Office Focusing on Czech and International Sports Law

Marketa Vochoska Haindlova´s Law Firm is one of the leading law offices with core specialty in sports law. It offers both Czech and foreign clients comprehensive legal services in the spectrum of fields within applicable law with a primary specialization in the ports law and the law of free professions of performing and creative artists.

The legal team led by Marketa Vochoska Haindlova consists of experienced legal professionals and cooperating advisors covering full spectrum of legal, academic, research, advisory  and  executive fields. Our team provides services within the jurisdictions of the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Spain and United Kingdom and we  communicate in Czech, English, German, Dutch, Spanish and French languages.

About Marketa

JUDr. Marketa Vochoska Haindlova, LL.M. is the founder of Marketa Vochoska Haindlova's Law Firm. After graduating from the Faculty of Law of Charles University in 2009 and subsequently graduating from LL.M. program at the University of Zurich in 2010, Marketa established her private law practice in 2013 following her admission to BAR in the Czech Republic. The academic title of Doctor of Laws was awarded to Markéta after successfully passing a rigorous examination and defending a rigorous thesis on the topic of Sports Arbitration in June 2021.

In parallel to her legal practice, Marketa boasts an extensive executive experience. In 2010, she was elected as the Chairwoman of the Board of Appeal and Review of the Football Association of the Czech Republic and she held this position until 2013. In June 2021, she was also appointed a member of the Expert Group of the National Council for Sport. JUDr. Vochoska Haindlová, LL.M. is currently also the Chairperson of the newly established National Court of Arbitration for Sport and a member of the FIFPRO Division Europe Executive Board.

In 2011, she co-founded the Czech Association of Football Players, of which she is the Chairwoman since 2013.  She is also the co-founder of the Czech Association of Hockey Players which was established in 2013. Marketa also operated as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Hockey Unions WAIPU and a chairwoman of the Legal Committee of the European Minifootball Federation.

The European Sports Law and Policy Bulletin and International Comparative Sport Justice recommends Marketa Vochoska Haindlova as a specialist in the field of sports law in Czech Republic.

Marketa is an external lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Charles University where she lectures on the subject of Sports Law. Marketa’s charitable activities include working with the Association for the Help of Chronically Ill Children and UNICEF. Marketa also established  her own charitable entity, Shoes4Life, which helps children and youth from under-privileged communities both in Europe and Africa.

Legal services

To both Czech and foreign clients, we offer comprehensive legal services.  Our primary specialization is sports law and related contractual, mitigation, dispute resolution and litigation service. Our lawyers, consultants and external experts provide legal and advisory services for athletes, sports clubs, associations and organizations as well as to public (private and government) sports authorities and entities.

Simultaneously, we provide comprehensive legal services in other fields of law, specializing in personal protection, copyrights, commercial law and labour law with specialty focus on performing artist and creative professions.

Our professional engagement often contains a multi-national element. Our legal expertise extends beyond the borders of the Czech Republic.  We provide legal services at the international level in all the above-mentioned fields of law with core specialty focused on sports related dispute resolution and litigation.

Our track record with international dispute resolution bodies such as the FIFA DRC (Fédération Internationale de Football Association Dispute Resolution Chamber) or the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) in Lausanne, Switzerland creates a significant competitive advantage for our firm.

Our team

Markéta Vochoska Haindlová

an attorney

Jakub Porsch


Pavlína Němcová


Juan de Crespo Pérez

a cooperating attorney

Lukáš Jaroch

a cooperating attorney


Ondřej Gregor Brzobohatý

hudební skladatel a producent

„S Markétou spolupracuji od roku 2015 a pravidelně využívám právních a poradenských služeb její kanceláře. Její pečlivost, zkušenosti a profesní i lidský nadhled jsou důvodem, proč jsem se svěřil do její péče. Nastavení smluvního rámce spolupráce ve světě umělců a kreativců není zrovna lehký úkol, ale právě Markétě se daří vytvořit pro mě pohodlné prostředí, které mi umožňuje věnovat se mé práci bez obav či hrozících rizik.“

Taťána G. Brzobohatá (Kuchařová)

modelka a herečka

„S kanceláří AK Haidlová spolupracuji od roku 2015 a pravidelně využívám právních a poradenských služeb této kanceláře a to poslední 4 roky výhradně ve spolupráci s panem Judr. Tomášem Kotrlíkem, se kterým mě Markéta seznámila a který mě právně zastupuje. Spojení pečlivosti, zkušenosti a profesní i lidský nadhled jsou důvodem, proč jsem se svěřila do jejich péče. Nastavení smluvního rámce spolupráce ve světě umělců a kreativců není zrovna lehký úkol, ale právě Tomášovi a Markétě se daří vytvořit bezpečné právní prostředí, které umožňuje mě a mnoha dalším věnovat se své profesi bez obav.“

Ing. Petra Vargová

jednatelka společnosti FUCHS OIL CORPORATION (CZ)

„S právní kanceláří Mgr. Vochoska Haindlové spolupracujeme třetím rokem. Za tu dobu došlo k předání veškeré agendy, u které naše společnost potřebuje právní poradenství, ať jde o problematiku obchodních záležitostí, majetkových procesů, ale i pracovně právních úkonů. Nejvíce oceňujeme profesionalitu, rychlost řešení a precizní vysvětlení dané problematiky. Jsme rádi, že jsme pro spolupráci našli právě kancelář paní magistry, spolehlivého partnera, který má naši plnou důvěru.“

Michal Janoštík

Chief Operating Officer of the esports organisation Entropiq

"We have a long-term cooperation with the office of Markéta Vochoska Haindlová. We regularly use her services and appreciate especially her professionalism, speed and reliability. Despite the fact that the esports industry is not yet well known in our country, we can always turn to Markéta with confidence thanks to her expertise in traditional sports and together we are raising the bar in the field of esports law in the Czech Republic."

Petra Vargová

FUCHS OIL COOPERATION (CZ) Company Executive and Financial Director

"We are cooperating with the Law Firm of Marketa Vochoska Haindlova for the third year now. During that time, all the agenda for which our company needs a legal advice was handed over to Marketa. She covers a variety of business matters, property processes or employment related items. We very much appreciate the professionalism, timely manner of the execution and the precise explanation of the issue. Always friendly attitude and patience are just as important to us, especially when it comes to ongoing and regular legal agenda."

Michael Fridrich

Golf Digest C & A (OnTheGreen a.s.)

"I have always been more than satisfied with the services of the Law Office of Marketa Vochoska Haindlova. The promptness and expertness, along with kindness and work ethic, are exactly the qualities that I seek in my legal representative. With a clear conscience, I can recommend Markéta's services to anyone who will ever need them."


Our Law Firm is involved in the following projects:

Czech Association of Football Players

The Czech Association of Football Players is the biggest organization in the country that brings together professional athletes and defends their interests on a national and global level.


The idea of the project Shoes4Life is simple. Most of us can find at home at least one useless pair of sports shoes that could be used for its purpose – but unfortunately there are many in the world who do not have any shoes at all.

#cistahlava (clear mind)

Mental health problems such as anxiety or depression can lead to problems and propensities as gambling or other addictions. A common characteristic of these factors is that they all affect a person’s personality and his thought processes.

ISDE Law Business School

Marketa Vochoska Haindlova, the Lawyer and the chairwoman of the Czech Association of Football Players, lectured at ISDE Law Business School in Madrid, Spain, on the topic of Player’s Associations.

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Mailing address:
Pod Andělkou 166/4
169 00 Praha 6 - Střešovice
Czech Republic

Billing info:
Dlouhá 735/25
110 00 Praha 1 - Staré Město
ID: 02158604
VAT ID: CZ8455250265
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